How To Reduce Weight Quick - Get fast results
So you are looking for fast ways to loose weight. Get Rid Of Extra Fat Well loosing weight is not a very difficult job. You can find hundreds of people out there who have successfully lost weight and have maintained it to date. What I want you to do is to find out what worked for them and do the same. Here are few tips that will help you to loose weight :
1. Keep doing some exercises such as cycling, walking, swimming or jogging. Follow it every day and make sure that you spend some time on it. Make it a part of your life and no matter what happens you should not skip it as they are not only one of the fast ways to loose weight but also a way to become healthier even if you don't want to loose weight.
2. If you get bored of doing exercises alone then find a friend to accompany you. Try to walk for a while. In case these exercises don't help try other group and change the days you train on, doing that will make you more busy and you will be excited.
3. Try to avoid smoking as much as possible. Chances are that if you smoke you won't loose weight and gaining the weight you have lost again will be very likely to happen.
4. Getting up early and doing your exercises in morning is also considered one of the fast ways to loose weight. Fast Weight Loss
5. Weighing yourself every day is not a wize thing to do as it will slow down the process.
6. Focus on your goal and make sure you follow these fast ways to loose weight. Focusing on your goal will make you more interested and you will be more likely to continue. Easy Fat Loss Don't give up at all; it takes time so you need to have patience.
7. Have faith in your body and use healthier food. Don't go for any un-natural steroids or other nutrition's. Eat healthy food and take fewer amounts of sugar and fat.
8. Don't eat junk food and better eat home made food. When you eat junk food you don't know for sure what you are eating, so better use healthy meat and vegetables in your food.
9. You will be building muscle at the same time so keep doing your exercises to maintain it, to know the amount of weight you are loosing just weigh yourself one time per week.
When following these fast ways to loose weight keep in mind that you may need up to month to get good results. Not all exercises work for all people so keep trying untill you get the best result from some exercises then keep doing them. Don't get panic in this situation as every person has a different body structure and it can take different amount of time for people. Keep yourself focus, maintain your schedule and follow it with consistency. Don't sheet and do all your sessions.
1. Keep doing some exercises such as cycling, walking, swimming or jogging. Follow it every day and make sure that you spend some time on it. Make it a part of your life and no matter what happens you should not skip it as they are not only one of the fast ways to loose weight but also a way to become healthier even if you don't want to loose weight.
2. If you get bored of doing exercises alone then find a friend to accompany you. Try to walk for a while. In case these exercises don't help try other group and change the days you train on, doing that will make you more busy and you will be excited.
3. Try to avoid smoking as much as possible. Chances are that if you smoke you won't loose weight and gaining the weight you have lost again will be very likely to happen.
4. Getting up early and doing your exercises in morning is also considered one of the fast ways to loose weight. Fast Weight Loss
5. Weighing yourself every day is not a wize thing to do as it will slow down the process.
6. Focus on your goal and make sure you follow these fast ways to loose weight. Focusing on your goal will make you more interested and you will be more likely to continue. Easy Fat Loss Don't give up at all; it takes time so you need to have patience.
7. Have faith in your body and use healthier food. Don't go for any un-natural steroids or other nutrition's. Eat healthy food and take fewer amounts of sugar and fat.
8. Don't eat junk food and better eat home made food. When you eat junk food you don't know for sure what you are eating, so better use healthy meat and vegetables in your food.
9. You will be building muscle at the same time so keep doing your exercises to maintain it, to know the amount of weight you are loosing just weigh yourself one time per week.
When following these fast ways to loose weight keep in mind that you may need up to month to get good results. Not all exercises work for all people so keep trying untill you get the best result from some exercises then keep doing them. Don't get panic in this situation as every person has a different body structure and it can take different amount of time for people. Keep yourself focus, maintain your schedule and follow it with consistency. Don't sheet and do all your sessions.
weight loss
Technically, there is no magic number of calories we should all eat each
day to lose weight. While most people can lose weight eating around
1,500 calories, you can assess your own personal caloric needs with a
little math.
To estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight, you'll need to do a little math. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate -- also known as your BMR.
The calorie intake calculator provides an estimate of how many Calories (or kilojoules) you are needed for both men and women.
To break this down into carbohydrates, protein, and fat - use the nutrient calculator.
If you are looking to gain weight or muscle - use the bulking calculator.
If you are pregnant and looking to gain the appropriate amount of weight needed for a healthy baby - see the pregnancy calorie calculator.
(Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.)
Calculate Your BMR
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function. We use about 60% of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.
Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:
655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Please note that this formula applies only to adults.
Calculate Activity
Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent
If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent
If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent
If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent
If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent
The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weightt. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result.
As you lose weight, you can re-calculate the formula to assess your new BMR.
Calories for Fat Loss
Science tells us that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily calorie deficit of 500 should result in 1 pound per week fat loss. In reality things don't quite work that efficiently!
When reducing calories:
Try not to lower your calorie intake by more than 1000 calories below maintenance. Doing so may invoke the bodies starvation response, which can lead to the Yo-yo dieting effect.
Try to gradually lower calories. A sudden drop (such as 500 calories or more) can cause your metabolism to slow.
What happens when calories are too low?
1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories - this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.
Lose Fat And Build Muscle?
Depending on your body type, it can be a very difficult balance trying to eat to burn fat, but retain or even build muscle. It's worth reading Tom Venuto's Burn the fat, feed the muscle (BFFM) for valuable insight on how to balance this. But realize that there is no single answer for everyone. It is a process of trial and error - but you need a starting point.
If you are over age 35, then the ebook Fit Over 40 is an excellent read. It gives the cardio and nutrition regimes of over 50 different people who have achieved amazing fat loss and muscle tone.
To estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight, you'll need to do a little math. By using a simple formula called the Harris-Benedict principle, you can assess your basal metabolic rate -- also known as your BMR.
The calorie intake calculator provides an estimate of how many Calories (or kilojoules) you are needed for both men and women.
To break this down into carbohydrates, protein, and fat - use the nutrient calculator.
If you are looking to gain weight or muscle - use the bulking calculator.
If you are pregnant and looking to gain the appropriate amount of weight needed for a healthy baby - see the pregnancy calorie calculator.
(Then, to lose weight, you'll need to cut calories or burn extra calories and shoot for a level lower than the results you get with this formula.)
Calculate Your BMR
Your BMR is the amount of energy your body needs to function. We use about 60% of the calories we consume each day for basic bodily functions such as breathing.
Other factors that influence your BMR are height, weight, age and sex.
Step one is to calculate your BMR with the following formula:
655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Please note that this formula applies only to adults.
Calculate Activity
Step two: In order to incorporate activity into your daily caloric needs, do the following calculation:
If you are sedentary : BMR x 20 percent
If you are lightly active: BMR x 30 percent
If you are moderately active (You exercise most days a week.): BMR x 40 percent
If you are very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis or for prolonged periods.): BMR x 50 percent
If you are extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training.): BMR x 60 percent
The result of this formula will be the number of calories you can eat every day and maintain your current weightt. In order to lose weight, you'll need to take in fewer calories than this result.
As you lose weight, you can re-calculate the formula to assess your new BMR.
Calories for Fat Loss
Science tells us that 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories, so a daily calorie deficit of 500 should result in 1 pound per week fat loss. In reality things don't quite work that efficiently!
When reducing calories:
Try not to lower your calorie intake by more than 1000 calories below maintenance. Doing so may invoke the bodies starvation response, which can lead to the Yo-yo dieting effect.
Try to gradually lower calories. A sudden drop (such as 500 calories or more) can cause your metabolism to slow.
What happens when calories are too low?
1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories - this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.
Lose Fat And Build Muscle?
Depending on your body type, it can be a very difficult balance trying to eat to burn fat, but retain or even build muscle. It's worth reading Tom Venuto's Burn the fat, feed the muscle (BFFM) for valuable insight on how to balance this. But realize that there is no single answer for everyone. It is a process of trial and error - but you need a starting point.
If you are over age 35, then the ebook Fit Over 40 is an excellent read. It gives the cardio and nutrition regimes of over 50 different people who have achieved amazing fat loss and muscle tone.
Dieters are assisted by a Weight Watchers points "calculator" and
recipes provided by Weight Watcher Points program. All members are
encouraged to attend group discussion and counselling sessions at local
Weight Watchers centres to assist with lifestyle changes. The Weight
Watchers Points program also provides online support and online points
menus and calculators.
Weight Watchers have produced their own line of cuisine which may be purchased independently at most major grocery chains. There is a one-time registration fee and a weekly fee.
All foods are assigned a points value based on the Weight Watchers Points system. This is dependent on the serving size, the number of calories, the amount of fibre grams, and the amount of fat grams in the food. The higher the fat grams, the more points in that food. The higher the fibre grams, the less points. The amount of points each dieter should have daily is based on their body weight, and how much they are trying to lose.
Does Weight Watchers Points work?
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), funded by Weight Watchers, found people who followed the Weight watchers Points program for two years lost an average of six pounds. Diligent participants - who attended at least 78 percent of the weekly meetings - lost an average of 11 pounds after two years on the program.
The average weight loss amongst Weight Watchers Points participants "is not very much in comparison to what people hope they will lose, or what people need to lose in order to reach the desired, svelte self," reported study author Dr. Stanley Heshka.
Heshka suggests that people who need to lose a significant amount of weight fairly quickly for medical reasons may want to opt out of Weight Watchers Points program and similarly structured programs. However, this does not mean Weight Watchers Points system holds no benefit. While, on average, participants lost only small amounts of weight while enrolled in the structured Weight Watchers Points program, some lost much more, with the maximum amount of weight loss reaching around 50 pounds. The structured program "seems to hold advantages over trying to lose the weight by yourself," Heshka said.
For people who are not yet obese but are experiencing an increase in weight, or have a family history of problems that can be aggravated by excess weight - such as heart disease or diabetes - Weight Watchers Points program may have a significant impact on health.
The Weight Watchers Points Formula
The actual Weight Watchers Points formula used in the Weight Watchers Points calculator is currently under strict US Patent laws. The formula is shown below::
P = { c/50}+ {f/12}-(min{r,4}/5)
p = Points
c = Calories
f = Fat Grams
r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: min{r, 4} equals the number of grams of dietary fiber or 4, whichever is smaller. In other words, only the first 4 grams of fiber "count.")
Pros and Cons of the Weight Watchers Points System
Many people often skip breakfast or lunch, believing this will help them lose weight. Consequently, the body turns into starvation mode and slows down the body's metabolism rate. As a result, any fattening food that is consumed gets stored as fat. Weight Watchers Points system is a good program, which balances proper nutrition, counselling and exercise. Dieters are never left hungry or feeling lethargic - in fact, dieters often report they are eating more on Weight Watchers Points program than normally. The food consumed is just more nutritious.
There are many testimonials from people who are happy with Weight Watchers Points program, and they DO have a good diet program. Dieters are also able to keep the materials (which are very good and informative), and are able to try to do-it-themselves without going to the meetings.
Weight Watchers is one of the good guys in this industry of pill pushers and unscrupulous "experts." The Winning Points Plan does an effective job of teaching portion control and educates the dieter on what nutritional value certain foods have. It is the program to choose if you feel you need face-to-face support.
It takes the fuss out of losing weight. Dieters have the freedom of choice - there is no off-limits food and it is flexible enough to use every day, even if you have a very busy schedule.
Although the Weight Watchers Winning Points Plan has its merits, it relies too heavily on gimmicks. They advertise aggressively in order to convince overweight people that they can lose weight without sacrificing the foods they love. They advertise with Sarah, Duchess of York, trying to convince overweight people that they can lose weight without sacrificing the foods they love. However, this is only achieved by allowing dieters to have calories that should be consumed on healthy food with very small portions of potentially unhealthy food. This strategy gives the dieter a false sense of the real nutritional changes they need to make in their lives for long-term success. If one seriously wants to lose weight and keep it off, they need to think more comprehensively about the foods they eat without the confusing points scheme. The program also does not put a priority on exercise - which is essential for long term health and weight control.
On average only 5% of dieters succeed beyond 5 years in keeping off the weight. This is achieved through long term therapy which can become very expensive and can potentially prevent the development of self-reliance and self-discipline.
Some dieters have reported the meetings as annoying and expensive. Although meetings are primarily designed to support participants, they may foster a competitive nature. This kind of peer pressure may motivate some dieters to continue losing weight, but might have a negative effect on others. Furthermore, food seems to be an obsession for some dieter, the following was reported by one member:
Weight Watchers have produced their own line of cuisine which may be purchased independently at most major grocery chains. There is a one-time registration fee and a weekly fee.
All foods are assigned a points value based on the Weight Watchers Points system. This is dependent on the serving size, the number of calories, the amount of fibre grams, and the amount of fat grams in the food. The higher the fat grams, the more points in that food. The higher the fibre grams, the less points. The amount of points each dieter should have daily is based on their body weight, and how much they are trying to lose.
Does Weight Watchers Points work?
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), funded by Weight Watchers, found people who followed the Weight watchers Points program for two years lost an average of six pounds. Diligent participants - who attended at least 78 percent of the weekly meetings - lost an average of 11 pounds after two years on the program.
The average weight loss amongst Weight Watchers Points participants "is not very much in comparison to what people hope they will lose, or what people need to lose in order to reach the desired, svelte self," reported study author Dr. Stanley Heshka.
Heshka suggests that people who need to lose a significant amount of weight fairly quickly for medical reasons may want to opt out of Weight Watchers Points program and similarly structured programs. However, this does not mean Weight Watchers Points system holds no benefit. While, on average, participants lost only small amounts of weight while enrolled in the structured Weight Watchers Points program, some lost much more, with the maximum amount of weight loss reaching around 50 pounds. The structured program "seems to hold advantages over trying to lose the weight by yourself," Heshka said.
For people who are not yet obese but are experiencing an increase in weight, or have a family history of problems that can be aggravated by excess weight - such as heart disease or diabetes - Weight Watchers Points program may have a significant impact on health.
The Weight Watchers Points Formula
The actual Weight Watchers Points formula used in the Weight Watchers Points calculator is currently under strict US Patent laws. The formula is shown below::
P = { c/50}+ {f/12}-(min{r,4}/5)
p = Points
c = Calories
f = Fat Grams
r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: min{r, 4} equals the number of grams of dietary fiber or 4, whichever is smaller. In other words, only the first 4 grams of fiber "count.")
Some examples of Weight Watchers Points assigned to foods are shown in the following table, using a Weight Watchers Points calculator would yield a similar result:
Food | Calories | Fat (g) | Carbohydrat (g) | Fibre (g) | Weight Watchers Points |
Medium Fries | 450 | 22 | 57 | 5 | 10 |
Quarter Pounder with cheese | 430 | 30 | 38 | 2 | 13 |
Cheeseburger | 330 | 14 | 35 | 2 | 7 |
Big Mac | 590 | 34 | 47 | 3 | 14 |
Corn on the Cob | 140 | 2 | 34 | 2 | 3 |
Low-fat Grilled Chicken Pasta | 873 | 8,9 | 134,3 | 10,3 | 17 |
Low-fat Asian Chicken Salad | 714 | 9 | 121 | 9,6 | 14 |
Low-fat Brownie Sundae | 326 | 3,2 | 72 | 4,6 | 6 |
Many people often skip breakfast or lunch, believing this will help them lose weight. Consequently, the body turns into starvation mode and slows down the body's metabolism rate. As a result, any fattening food that is consumed gets stored as fat. Weight Watchers Points system is a good program, which balances proper nutrition, counselling and exercise. Dieters are never left hungry or feeling lethargic - in fact, dieters often report they are eating more on Weight Watchers Points program than normally. The food consumed is just more nutritious.
There are many testimonials from people who are happy with Weight Watchers Points program, and they DO have a good diet program. Dieters are also able to keep the materials (which are very good and informative), and are able to try to do-it-themselves without going to the meetings.
Weight Watchers is one of the good guys in this industry of pill pushers and unscrupulous "experts." The Winning Points Plan does an effective job of teaching portion control and educates the dieter on what nutritional value certain foods have. It is the program to choose if you feel you need face-to-face support.
It takes the fuss out of losing weight. Dieters have the freedom of choice - there is no off-limits food and it is flexible enough to use every day, even if you have a very busy schedule.
Although the Weight Watchers Winning Points Plan has its merits, it relies too heavily on gimmicks. They advertise aggressively in order to convince overweight people that they can lose weight without sacrificing the foods they love. They advertise with Sarah, Duchess of York, trying to convince overweight people that they can lose weight without sacrificing the foods they love. However, this is only achieved by allowing dieters to have calories that should be consumed on healthy food with very small portions of potentially unhealthy food. This strategy gives the dieter a false sense of the real nutritional changes they need to make in their lives for long-term success. If one seriously wants to lose weight and keep it off, they need to think more comprehensively about the foods they eat without the confusing points scheme. The program also does not put a priority on exercise - which is essential for long term health and weight control.
On average only 5% of dieters succeed beyond 5 years in keeping off the weight. This is achieved through long term therapy which can become very expensive and can potentially prevent the development of self-reliance and self-discipline.
Some dieters have reported the meetings as annoying and expensive. Although meetings are primarily designed to support participants, they may foster a competitive nature. This kind of peer pressure may motivate some dieters to continue losing weight, but might have a negative effect on others. Furthermore, food seems to be an obsession for some dieter, the following was reported by one member:
was practically obsessed with food all the time. I had to weigh,
measure, count, keep track of everything I put in my mouth. Not only was
this too much work, but it made food even more of a priority than it
was before. I know this sounds a little odd, but I wanted to eat MORE
when I was dieting, because I was always thinking about food."
Video YouTube
Catherine DeAngelis, editor in chief of JAMA best describes the Weight
Watchers program, "…while Weight Watchers and similar programs may work
for some people, they clearly don't work for everyone. Programs have the
best chances of working if they feel natural to the people following
them, otherwise the weight loss is too difficult to maintain. It works
as long as you stay with it."
What's My Ideal Weight?
This is a complex subject and before coming to any conclusion it is important to consider firstly how happy you are with your body and secondly the ratio of fat to muscle.A person's ideal body weight is determined by several factors, such as age, muscle-fat ratio, height, sex, and bone density.
An ideal body weight calculator fails to take into account that the weight on the scales does not tell you whether you are carrying too much or too little body fat. So when you ask yourself the question, what's my ideal weight ? Ask yourself how you look and feel - a bit flabby, or strong and toned.
Some say your Body Mass Index (BMI) is the ideal way to calculate whether your body weight is ideal. Others say BMI is faulty as it does not take into account muscle mass, and waist-hip ratio is better.
One person's ideal body weight may be completely different from another's.This is because muscle weighs more per square inch than fat - so a 12 stone muscular person would look slim, but a twelve stone unmuscular person of the same height would look plump!
If you compare yourself to family and friends you risk either aiming too high if you are surrounded by obese or overweight people, or too low if everyone around you works as fashion models.Even comparing yourself with people outside your immediate surroundings may not work..
This is a complex subject and before coming to any conclusion it is important to consider firstly how happy you are with your body and secondly the ratio of fat to muscle.A person's ideal body weight is determined by several factors, such as age, muscle-fat ratio, height, sex, and bone density.
An ideal body weight calculator fails to take into account that the weight on the scales does not tell you whether you are carrying too much or too little body fat. So when you ask yourself the question, what's my ideal weight ? Ask yourself how you look and feel - a bit flabby, or strong and toned.
Some say your Body Mass Index (BMI) is the ideal way to calculate whether your body weight is ideal. Others say BMI is faulty as it does not take into account muscle mass, and waist-hip ratio is better.
One person's ideal body weight may be completely different from another's.This is because muscle weighs more per square inch than fat - so a 12 stone muscular person would look slim, but a twelve stone unmuscular person of the same height would look plump!
If you compare yourself to family and friends you risk either aiming too high if you are surrounded by obese or overweight people, or too low if everyone around you works as fashion models.Even comparing yourself with people outside your immediate surroundings may not work..
If you have wobbly bits, your ideal weight is likely to be at the lower end of the range on the height and weight chart.
Ideal Weight Chart for Women
Based on body mass index, optimised for women
Based on body mass index, optimised for women
in stones
in stones
Height in feet / inches
KEY: underweight ideal weight overweight
Ideal Weight Chart for Men
Based on body mass index, optimised for men
Based on body mass index, optimised for men
in stone
in stone
weight loss
How To Lose Weight Fast
With the arrival of a diet drug to pharmacies today, there are now two new prescription medications to treat obesity — the first new ones available to heavy patients in more than a decade. The drugs offer to boost weight loss a modest 5% to 10%, but become another "tool in the toolbox" for physicians trying to help America out of its obesity crisis.
Beginning today, Belviq (pronounced bel-VEEK) sold by Eisai, will start arriving in pharmacies. It works on brain chemistry to create a feeling of fullness and can help obese patients lose an average of about 5% or so of their starting weight when used in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise.
The wholesale cost of a month's supply of Belviq to pharmacies is just under $200, says Gary Palmer, chief medical officer for Eisai. The price that patients will pay depends on their insurance coverage and may vary between pharmacies, he says. "We are looking at a whole range of options for patients who don't have insurance ( and need financial support for the medication."
Qsymia helps suppress appetite.(Photo: Handout)
Another new diet drug, Qsymia (pronounced kyoo-SIM-ee-uh), from Vivus, which came out in mid-September, helps heavy folks drop about 10% of their weight by suppressing appetite and increasing the feeling of fullness.
Both drugs are intended to provide treatment help for those who are obese, which is roughly 35 or more pounds over a healthy weight, or overweight patients who have one other weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. About a third of people in this country are obese. The drugs are not meant for people who want to lose a few pounds for cosmetic reasons.
Initial sales of the Qsymia have been lower than the company expected, but the demand is continuing to grow and insurance coverage is improving, says Michael Miller, senior vice president at Vivus.
About 89,000 prescriptions were written for Qsymia from the launch through March, he says. The medicine costs about $150 a month for those who pay cash. About a third of the patients had their prescriptions covered by insurance companies with a $50 co-pay, Miller says. The company is offering the medication for no charge for the first two weeks, and a 50% discount for the first month of treatment, he says.
The new obesity drugs were approved last summer by the Food and Drug Administration. These medications are new "tools in the toolbox" for doctors who are treating obese patients, says Harvey Grill, president of the Obesity Society, and a professor of behavioral neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. There are several other new obesity drugs on the horizon, and many others being investigated now, he says.
Other diet medications available to treat obesity include phentermine, which suppresses appetite; and orlistat (Xenical), which keeps some dietary fat from being absorbed by the intestine. Orlistat is sold in a lower-dose, over-the-counter version as Alli.
Ben Yankowitz, 58, of Los Angeles, who has type 2 diabetes, has lost about 20 pounds since he started Qsymia several months ago. Six-foot-tall, he now weighs 185, down from 205. He says the medication really keeps hunger at bay. "During the day, I have to remind myself to eat lunch," says Yankowitz, who is the CEO of Proteus Energy, a California-based oil and gas company.
Yankowitz says he hasn't experienced any significant side effects from Qsymia, but he adds that it "is not a magic pill. You've got to exercise and follow a healthy diet too."
Patients also reported weight-loss success during the drug trials for Belviq, which works by activating a chemical receptor in the brain that can help people eat less and feel full after eating smaller amounts of food.
Lisa Sutter, 52, who works for the city government in Washington, D.C., lost weight on Belviq when she took it for two years during one of the drug's trials. At 5-foot-5, she dropped from 230 pounds to 190.
"Honestly it was effortless. ... I didn't feel hungry even though I was only eating 1,600 calories a day."
Sutter says she didn't experience any side effects from the drug, but when she went off the medicine after the drug trial ended, her hunger returned. She couldn't stick to a low-calorie diet and she regained the weight and then some. Now that Belviq is on the market, she plans to go back on it "because I know for me it worked really well."
Still, there are concerns about the side effects and risks of both drugs. Sidney Wolfe, founder and senior adviser of the health research group at Public Citizen, a consumer group, says, "We strongly oppose both of them. They both have serious dangers."
Belviq was rejected by an FDA advisory panel in 2010 over safety issues.The second time the advisory committee met, the members discussed heart-valve concerns but decided that the benefits of the drug outweighed the risks. The agency later approved the medication.
The product's label warns: "Some people taking medicines like Belviq have had problems with the valves in their heart. ... Before taking Belviq, tell your doctor if you have or have had any heart problems."
The drug's manufacturer (Arena Pharmaceuticals) and marketer (Eisai) are required to conduct a long-term cardiovascular trial to assess the effect of Belviq on the risk for major adverse cardiac events such as heart attacks and stroke, Palmer says.
Wolfe argues that Belviq "actually showed heart-valve damage prior to approval. The risks of this drug far outweigh any benefits."
He says it is "magical thinking to believe that you can turn off something as complex as hunger without affecting different systems, especially the cardiovascular system."
Palmer says, "We along with Arena Pharmaceuticals conducted a very long development program that included close to 8,000 patients studied for up to two years. In that program, we did not see a problem with heart valves when used in appropriate patients. But we will continue to monitor the efficacy and safety of the product."
Some experts are concerned that Qsymia raised the heart rates slightly in some patients. It is made up of two other older medications: the appetite-suppressant phentermine and the anti-seizure medication topiramate, which is sold under the brand name Topamax. The latter is used to treat epilepsy and migraines.
Wolfe is afraid history will repeat itself. In 1997, two diet drugs were pulled from the market — fenfluramine (part of the popular fen-phen combination) and dexfenfluramine (Redux) — because of evidence of heart-valve problems that arose only after approval, unlike Belviq.
In 2010, Abbott Laboratories removed sibutramine (Meridia) from the market because of evidence of an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Beginning today, Belviq (pronounced bel-VEEK) sold by Eisai, will start arriving in pharmacies. It works on brain chemistry to create a feeling of fullness and can help obese patients lose an average of about 5% or so of their starting weight when used in combination with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise.
The wholesale cost of a month's supply of Belviq to pharmacies is just under $200, says Gary Palmer, chief medical officer for Eisai. The price that patients will pay depends on their insurance coverage and may vary between pharmacies, he says. "We are looking at a whole range of options for patients who don't have insurance ( and need financial support for the medication."
Qsymia helps suppress appetite.(Photo: Handout)
Another new diet drug, Qsymia (pronounced kyoo-SIM-ee-uh), from Vivus, which came out in mid-September, helps heavy folks drop about 10% of their weight by suppressing appetite and increasing the feeling of fullness.
Both drugs are intended to provide treatment help for those who are obese, which is roughly 35 or more pounds over a healthy weight, or overweight patients who have one other weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. About a third of people in this country are obese. The drugs are not meant for people who want to lose a few pounds for cosmetic reasons.
Initial sales of the Qsymia have been lower than the company expected, but the demand is continuing to grow and insurance coverage is improving, says Michael Miller, senior vice president at Vivus.
About 89,000 prescriptions were written for Qsymia from the launch through March, he says. The medicine costs about $150 a month for those who pay cash. About a third of the patients had their prescriptions covered by insurance companies with a $50 co-pay, Miller says. The company is offering the medication for no charge for the first two weeks, and a 50% discount for the first month of treatment, he says.
The new obesity drugs were approved last summer by the Food and Drug Administration. These medications are new "tools in the toolbox" for doctors who are treating obese patients, says Harvey Grill, president of the Obesity Society, and a professor of behavioral neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. There are several other new obesity drugs on the horizon, and many others being investigated now, he says.
Other diet medications available to treat obesity include phentermine, which suppresses appetite; and orlistat (Xenical), which keeps some dietary fat from being absorbed by the intestine. Orlistat is sold in a lower-dose, over-the-counter version as Alli.
Ben Yankowitz, 58, of Los Angeles, who has type 2 diabetes, has lost about 20 pounds since he started Qsymia several months ago. Six-foot-tall, he now weighs 185, down from 205. He says the medication really keeps hunger at bay. "During the day, I have to remind myself to eat lunch," says Yankowitz, who is the CEO of Proteus Energy, a California-based oil and gas company.
Yankowitz says he hasn't experienced any significant side effects from Qsymia, but he adds that it "is not a magic pill. You've got to exercise and follow a healthy diet too."
Patients also reported weight-loss success during the drug trials for Belviq, which works by activating a chemical receptor in the brain that can help people eat less and feel full after eating smaller amounts of food.
Lisa Sutter, 52, who works for the city government in Washington, D.C., lost weight on Belviq when she took it for two years during one of the drug's trials. At 5-foot-5, she dropped from 230 pounds to 190.
"Honestly it was effortless. ... I didn't feel hungry even though I was only eating 1,600 calories a day."
Sutter says she didn't experience any side effects from the drug, but when she went off the medicine after the drug trial ended, her hunger returned. She couldn't stick to a low-calorie diet and she regained the weight and then some. Now that Belviq is on the market, she plans to go back on it "because I know for me it worked really well."
Still, there are concerns about the side effects and risks of both drugs. Sidney Wolfe, founder and senior adviser of the health research group at Public Citizen, a consumer group, says, "We strongly oppose both of them. They both have serious dangers."
Belviq was rejected by an FDA advisory panel in 2010 over safety issues.The second time the advisory committee met, the members discussed heart-valve concerns but decided that the benefits of the drug outweighed the risks. The agency later approved the medication.
The product's label warns: "Some people taking medicines like Belviq have had problems with the valves in their heart. ... Before taking Belviq, tell your doctor if you have or have had any heart problems."
The drug's manufacturer (Arena Pharmaceuticals) and marketer (Eisai) are required to conduct a long-term cardiovascular trial to assess the effect of Belviq on the risk for major adverse cardiac events such as heart attacks and stroke, Palmer says.
Wolfe argues that Belviq "actually showed heart-valve damage prior to approval. The risks of this drug far outweigh any benefits."
He says it is "magical thinking to believe that you can turn off something as complex as hunger without affecting different systems, especially the cardiovascular system."
Palmer says, "We along with Arena Pharmaceuticals conducted a very long development program that included close to 8,000 patients studied for up to two years. In that program, we did not see a problem with heart valves when used in appropriate patients. But we will continue to monitor the efficacy and safety of the product."
Some experts are concerned that Qsymia raised the heart rates slightly in some patients. It is made up of two other older medications: the appetite-suppressant phentermine and the anti-seizure medication topiramate, which is sold under the brand name Topamax. The latter is used to treat epilepsy and migraines.
Wolfe is afraid history will repeat itself. In 1997, two diet drugs were pulled from the market — fenfluramine (part of the popular fen-phen combination) and dexfenfluramine (Redux) — because of evidence of heart-valve problems that arose only after approval, unlike Belviq.
In 2010, Abbott Laboratories removed sibutramine (Meridia) from the market because of evidence of an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
weight loss
The Best Ways To Lose Weight Fast
How To Lose Weight Fast. The best, easiest and newest ways to Lose Weight Fast.
(CBS News) A new long-term weight-loss drug will finally be available for patient use next week, nearly a year after receiving FDA approval. Belviq is the first new drug approved for weight loss in over a decade.
One of the key differences between Belviq and other weight-loss drugs or management aids is that it actually provides a feeling of satiety. The drug works on serotonin transmitters in the brain which causes this reaction and can actually make users feel like they are full and do not have to eat as much as they would without it.
Gastric bypass surgery may lower diabetes risks, but also carries dangers
CBS News contributor Holly Phillips said on "CBS This Morning: Saturday" that positive reaction from the drug is linked to satiety because when you "feel full, you eat less, and then we see the weight loss." She also said that it is not for anyone looking to lose weight; you have to fit into one of two categories.
"The first are people who are obese, which means that your body mass index is 30 or higher, and the second group is for people that are overweight but with one condition related to your weight," she said. "To be overweight your body mass index is 27 or higher, but you also have to have something related to your weight, whether it's high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes."
Philips said that the drug was considered to be effective, and people who took the drug lost around 3.7 percent of their body weight over the year. She also said that in studies the drug worked better in non-diabetics than people who already were diagnosed with that disease.
However, it is still considered a schedule four controlled substance, which means that, while it only has a low chance of becoming addictive, it can be, and there are serious side effects.
"This is not a miracle cure for obesity," said Phillips. "But we really have to look at it from a health perspective, where if you lose 5 percent of your body weight and you are obese, it can truly benefit you."
(CBS News) A new long-term weight-loss drug will finally be available for patient use next week, nearly a year after receiving FDA approval. Belviq is the first new drug approved for weight loss in over a decade.
One of the key differences between Belviq and other weight-loss drugs or management aids is that it actually provides a feeling of satiety. The drug works on serotonin transmitters in the brain which causes this reaction and can actually make users feel like they are full and do not have to eat as much as they would without it.
Gastric bypass surgery may lower diabetes risks, but also carries dangers
CBS News contributor Holly Phillips said on "CBS This Morning: Saturday" that positive reaction from the drug is linked to satiety because when you "feel full, you eat less, and then we see the weight loss." She also said that it is not for anyone looking to lose weight; you have to fit into one of two categories.
"The first are people who are obese, which means that your body mass index is 30 or higher, and the second group is for people that are overweight but with one condition related to your weight," she said. "To be overweight your body mass index is 27 or higher, but you also have to have something related to your weight, whether it's high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes."
Philips said that the drug was considered to be effective, and people who took the drug lost around 3.7 percent of their body weight over the year. She also said that in studies the drug worked better in non-diabetics than people who already were diagnosed with that disease.
However, it is still considered a schedule four controlled substance, which means that, while it only has a low chance of becoming addictive, it can be, and there are serious side effects.
"This is not a miracle cure for obesity," said Phillips. "But we really have to look at it from a health perspective, where if you lose 5 percent of your body weight and you are obese, it can truly benefit you."
weight loss
Want To Lose Weight Fast?
So you have taken the decision to lose weight quickly, well done. But wait, have you calculated your ideal weight first? If not you should do it before even thinking about losing wait. Sometimes people that they need to lose like 20 lbs in the next month or so while they only need to lose 5 lbs to get to their ideal weight. So to be able to set the right goal for your weight loss plan you should calculate your ideal weight first.
In other conditions some people think they need to lose a lot of weight even according to the calculated ideal weight but this increase in their weight may be normal and very healthy, like in body builders they may record that they are over the ideal weight but this increase is because of the muscle bulk they are building not because of the fat gain. In this case you may only want to lose some extra fat on your belly or waist to shape your muscles as best as possible and show them off.
So after considering the above conditions if this doesn’t relate to you and you want to lose weight fast then here are some tips that can make your life easy:
First to make very clear to you and you might be already aware of that, when it comes to losing weight it’s all about burning calories more than you take in and that doesn’t mean that you lower your calories intake to a very dangerous level. But it means to lower your calories intake to the safe required level and burn extra calories stored in yur body in form of fat with exercises.
So first you need to calculate how much calories you may take in. Simply for active people they should multiply their weight by 20, for average activity multiply by 17 and for low activity multiply weight by 15. This is a simple way to know how much calories you need every day to stay in the safe side.
Natural food must be the main component of your diet. Why not replace the junk food most people eat every day with natural food like fruits and vegetables. Of course you know the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables so I am not going to go through this now. Eat about five fruits or vegetables each day and this should be enough and stay away from junk food. If you can’t hold yourself from eating junk food then you should fill your stomach with vegetables as they are healthy and at the same time don’t add a lot of calories to your body.
You may know that the French prefer to eat slowly and chew their food very well, you can take advantage of this trick. You will keep your mouth busy and you will make it easy on your stomach to digest food.
I seriously worn you from even thinking of starving, this is very dangerous believe me. One of my friends wanted to lose weight very quickly doing that, good news is that he succeeded to lose a lot of weight, bad news is that he was about to die as he suffered from serious anemia, he became very pale and his nails stared to crack and fall and he gained the same weight he lost again. So don’t think that this is a smart way to lose weight, but it is the hard dangerous way. So play it smarter not harder.
Remember that it is good to reach the top but it is also excellent to remain there, so your goal and how to achieve this goal should consider not only losing weight but also keeping it off. This only can be achieved by a continuous lifestyle change.
In other conditions some people think they need to lose a lot of weight even according to the calculated ideal weight but this increase in their weight may be normal and very healthy, like in body builders they may record that they are over the ideal weight but this increase is because of the muscle bulk they are building not because of the fat gain. In this case you may only want to lose some extra fat on your belly or waist to shape your muscles as best as possible and show them off.
So after considering the above conditions if this doesn’t relate to you and you want to lose weight fast then here are some tips that can make your life easy:
First to make very clear to you and you might be already aware of that, when it comes to losing weight it’s all about burning calories more than you take in and that doesn’t mean that you lower your calories intake to a very dangerous level. But it means to lower your calories intake to the safe required level and burn extra calories stored in yur body in form of fat with exercises.
So first you need to calculate how much calories you may take in. Simply for active people they should multiply their weight by 20, for average activity multiply by 17 and for low activity multiply weight by 15. This is a simple way to know how much calories you need every day to stay in the safe side.
Natural food must be the main component of your diet. Why not replace the junk food most people eat every day with natural food like fruits and vegetables. Of course you know the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables so I am not going to go through this now. Eat about five fruits or vegetables each day and this should be enough and stay away from junk food. If you can’t hold yourself from eating junk food then you should fill your stomach with vegetables as they are healthy and at the same time don’t add a lot of calories to your body.
You may know that the French prefer to eat slowly and chew their food very well, you can take advantage of this trick. You will keep your mouth busy and you will make it easy on your stomach to digest food.
I seriously worn you from even thinking of starving, this is very dangerous believe me. One of my friends wanted to lose weight very quickly doing that, good news is that he succeeded to lose a lot of weight, bad news is that he was about to die as he suffered from serious anemia, he became very pale and his nails stared to crack and fall and he gained the same weight he lost again. So don’t think that this is a smart way to lose weight, but it is the hard dangerous way. So play it smarter not harder.
Remember that it is good to reach the top but it is also excellent to remain there, so your goal and how to achieve this goal should consider not only losing weight but also keeping it off. This only can be achieved by a continuous lifestyle change.
weight loss
Weight Loss Pills Opinion
I think you have for sure noticed how weight loss supplements are very popular and there are many people who prefer to just take a pill and don’t do any exercises or hard work. Although I am completely disagree with this kind of mentality but if it is necessary for some people to buy these weight loss pills here is my tips about some of the most popular pills and where to buy them to save some of your money and don’t get scammed by all the fake websites that claim selling weight loss pills and they never deliver.
First thing to keep in your mind that you should consider these pills as something that plays a limited role in the equation and you still need to change your lifestyle in order to maintain healthy weight.
Here are some of the pills that have been popular for long time now:
1- African Mango: this pills in made from a fruit called African mango and it tastes like the fruit. This fruit is found in Africa which is obvious from the name and it seems that people in the area that this fruit grows used it for long time to keep healthy body weight. They were able to extract the active ingredient in the fruit and put it in a pill. For those who want to buy this one you should read this article about where to buy African mango to learn how to save money and protect yourself.
2- Hydroxycut: This pills is quite interesting as I have read on Wikipedia that it was the most popular weight loss pill in 2009 and think that this tell you all what you want to know about it except if have a certain medical condition as in this case you need to ask for advice from your doctor. Also if you decided to buy this one and you want to learn about one of the best places to buy from read this article >> where to buy hydroxycut.
3- Maqui Berry: from what I have read this pill like many others contain antioxidants, antioxidants seems to be proved that they have a good effect on losing weight. This pill was featured on foxnews as the newest super fruit to lose weight. Read about where to buy maqui berry first if you want to try it.
4- Xenadrine: from its name you can say that it contains ephedrine which was used in weight loss pills as appetite suppressor but after they discovered the side effect of ephedrine and that it has very little if any effect on losing weight Xenadrine – as I have read – updated itself and now it contains a combination of ingredients that help losing weight. In case you are interested to learn mor about this pill and save some of your money when buying read this article >> where to buy xenadrine
Finally I hope that I have added some value to this community and wish everyone the best healthy life ever.
First thing to keep in your mind that you should consider these pills as something that plays a limited role in the equation and you still need to change your lifestyle in order to maintain healthy weight.
Here are some of the pills that have been popular for long time now:
1- African Mango: this pills in made from a fruit called African mango and it tastes like the fruit. This fruit is found in Africa which is obvious from the name and it seems that people in the area that this fruit grows used it for long time to keep healthy body weight. They were able to extract the active ingredient in the fruit and put it in a pill. For those who want to buy this one you should read this article about where to buy African mango to learn how to save money and protect yourself.
2- Hydroxycut: This pills is quite interesting as I have read on Wikipedia that it was the most popular weight loss pill in 2009 and think that this tell you all what you want to know about it except if have a certain medical condition as in this case you need to ask for advice from your doctor. Also if you decided to buy this one and you want to learn about one of the best places to buy from read this article >> where to buy hydroxycut.
3- Maqui Berry: from what I have read this pill like many others contain antioxidants, antioxidants seems to be proved that they have a good effect on losing weight. This pill was featured on foxnews as the newest super fruit to lose weight. Read about where to buy maqui berry first if you want to try it.
4- Xenadrine: from its name you can say that it contains ephedrine which was used in weight loss pills as appetite suppressor but after they discovered the side effect of ephedrine and that it has very little if any effect on losing weight Xenadrine – as I have read – updated itself and now it contains a combination of ingredients that help losing weight. In case you are interested to learn mor about this pill and save some of your money when buying read this article >> where to buy xenadrine
Finally I hope that I have added some value to this community and wish everyone the best healthy life ever.
weight loss
Weight Loss Tips and Lose Weight Fast
Living a healthy life is the dream of all people in the world, everyone out there wants to live without having any disease or suffering from any medical condition. Fortunately there a great medical scientific advance and there are treatment and ways to prevent most of the diseases in the world. Unfortunately not all people who want to live healthy and know or can know how to do that already do it. This article will only give you few tips about to lose fat fast and make your life healthier, but will you follow?
I always say that the problem of overweight can be solved very easy in most of the people suffering from it by simple changes in the lifestyle, what they eat, what they drink and their daily activity. So here are some changes that you can apply to your life and start seeing a great change in your weight:
1. Drinking Water Is Very Useful To Lose Weight:
I think that you already know that many of the overweight people used to drink junk drinks that add a lot of calories to their blood. But do you know that by changing these drinks to water can make a great change? Yes it is advised to drink about 8 glasses of water every day to make your tissues hydrated and healthy. Being hydrated will help getting rid of toxins from your blood and at the same time help building muscle which is a very good thing to burn fat.
2. Smaller Meals Will Have a Great Benefit:
To make it short you should not ea till you become hungry and when you eat to fill your hunger make sure that you don’t fill your stomach instead. What this means? This means that you will end up with eating more meals but in smaller amount. Remember that we eat to live and we don’t live to eat. It seems that six smaller meals a day is the thing recommended by many nutrition experts.
3. It’s Time to Do Some Hard Exercises:
I think that it will be wise from you if you are looking to this from all the angles. You should not think that you are aiming to achieve is just to have a better looking sexy body but also you want to become healthier and stronger. So when you think of exercising you should consider weight training as it covers all of the above. Weight lifting will help losing fat greatly, help shaping your muscles as best as possible and you will get a stronger body.
It is recommended to give your muscles enough time to recover and build up. Working out three or even two times a week till you reach full failure of your muscles and rest for the other free days should be very enough. So exercise in a day and rest in the next day.
4. Protein in Your Diet:
After doing some weight training your muscles will start to build themselves up and this will require protein. So it is advised to ad protein to your diet to provide your body with its needs of protein. Also protein will give you smaller amount of calories than carbohydrates so there is no risk of gaining weight if you added more protein in your diet. The kind of protein you should eat is like the protein found in eggs, poultry, fish and meat.
Now listen up, as I said before knowing the right information is not enough to lose weight fats but you need to actually apply it to your daily life and don’t lose motivation to lose fat quick.
Feel Free To Read:
How To Lower Weight
How To Lose Weight Fast Tips
Losing Weight Fast
How To Burn Fat Fast
Lose Weight Tips
Burnning Fat
African Mango Diet
I always say that the problem of overweight can be solved very easy in most of the people suffering from it by simple changes in the lifestyle, what they eat, what they drink and their daily activity. So here are some changes that you can apply to your life and start seeing a great change in your weight:
1. Drinking Water Is Very Useful To Lose Weight:
I think that you already know that many of the overweight people used to drink junk drinks that add a lot of calories to their blood. But do you know that by changing these drinks to water can make a great change? Yes it is advised to drink about 8 glasses of water every day to make your tissues hydrated and healthy. Being hydrated will help getting rid of toxins from your blood and at the same time help building muscle which is a very good thing to burn fat.
2. Smaller Meals Will Have a Great Benefit:
To make it short you should not ea till you become hungry and when you eat to fill your hunger make sure that you don’t fill your stomach instead. What this means? This means that you will end up with eating more meals but in smaller amount. Remember that we eat to live and we don’t live to eat. It seems that six smaller meals a day is the thing recommended by many nutrition experts.
3. It’s Time to Do Some Hard Exercises:
I think that it will be wise from you if you are looking to this from all the angles. You should not think that you are aiming to achieve is just to have a better looking sexy body but also you want to become healthier and stronger. So when you think of exercising you should consider weight training as it covers all of the above. Weight lifting will help losing fat greatly, help shaping your muscles as best as possible and you will get a stronger body.
It is recommended to give your muscles enough time to recover and build up. Working out three or even two times a week till you reach full failure of your muscles and rest for the other free days should be very enough. So exercise in a day and rest in the next day.
4. Protein in Your Diet:
After doing some weight training your muscles will start to build themselves up and this will require protein. So it is advised to ad protein to your diet to provide your body with its needs of protein. Also protein will give you smaller amount of calories than carbohydrates so there is no risk of gaining weight if you added more protein in your diet. The kind of protein you should eat is like the protein found in eggs, poultry, fish and meat.
Now listen up, as I said before knowing the right information is not enough to lose weight fats but you need to actually apply it to your daily life and don’t lose motivation to lose fat quick.
Feel Free To Read:
How To Lower Weight
How To Lose Weight Fast Tips
Losing Weight Fast
How To Burn Fat Fast
Lose Weight Tips
Burnning Fat
African Mango Diet
weight loss
weight loss
• Weight Loss is a 2006 novel by Upamanyu Chatterjee.
• "Weight Loss" is the fifth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's seventy-third (and seventy-fourth) episode overall.
• Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue.
• acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
• Performed or taking place at high speed; taking only a short time
• abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
• Allowing people or things to move at high speed
• abstaining from food
• Moving or capable of moving at high speed
9ff GT9-R: World's fastest?
While scouring the web, I found that this car, The 9ff GT9-R. It's supposedly the new world fastest car, hitting a speed of 257, 1 mile faster than the previous SSC Aero. Personally, I have doubt since this thing is just a steroid educed Porsche 911, a car I never cared much for. Oh well, I guess it's cool. What's your opinion.
Fast and Furious 350Z
• Weight Loss is a 2006 novel by Upamanyu Chatterjee.
• "Weight Loss" is the fifth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's seventy-third (and seventy-fourth) episode overall.
• Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue.
• acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"
• Performed or taking place at high speed; taking only a short time
• abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons; "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent"
• Allowing people or things to move at high speed
• abstaining from food
• Moving or capable of moving at high speed
9ff GT9-R: World's fastest?
While scouring the web, I found that this car, The 9ff GT9-R. It's supposedly the new world fastest car, hitting a speed of 257, 1 mile faster than the previous SSC Aero. Personally, I have doubt since this thing is just a steroid educed Porsche 911, a car I never cared much for. Oh well, I guess it's cool. What's your opinion.
Fast and Furious 350Z
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